LATTERLY - Recently, SERENDIPITY - The fact of finding interesting or valuable things by chance, REASSURANCE - Words of advice and comfort intended to make someone feel less worried, ATTRITION - Gradually making something weaker and destroying it, TREPIDATION - Fear or worry about what is going to happen, LONG FOR - To want something very much, STUMBLE INTO STH - To start doing something by chance, without having intended to do it, WHOLEHEARTEDLY - In a way that is completely enthusiastic and without any doubt, HAUNT - to cause repeated suffering or anxiety, OUTLASTED - to live or exist, or to stay energetic and determined, longer than another person or thing, PRE-EMINENT - more important or better than others, COMMISSIONED - formally asked to produce/do something, LOWLY - low in position and importance, or not respected, CHASM - a very large difference between two opinions or groups of people, ORDNANCE SURVEY - the government organization that makes detailes official maps of Britain and Northern Ireland, HALTED - to cause to stop moving or doing something,

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