all --- same - all the same-всё же, at --- seaside - at the seaside - на побережье(у моря), at --- doctor's - at the doctor's - у врача, at --- baker's - at the baker's- в булочной (в пекарне(, at --- chemist's - at the chemist's - в аптеке, by --- way - by the way - кстати, in --- morning - in the morning - утром, in --- afternoon - in the afternoon- днём, in --- evening - in the evening- вечером, in --- country - in the country -в стране, in --- past - in the past - в прошлом, in --- present - in the present - в настоящем, in --- distance - in the distance - , in --- street - in the street -на улице, in --- jungle - in the jungle - в джунглях, just --- same - just the same - точно так-же , on --- whole - on the whole- в целом, out of --- question - out of the question- вне вопроса, on --- one hand - on the one hand- с одной стороны, on --- other hand - on the other hand - с другой стороны , on --- right - on the right - справа, on --- left - on the left - слева, --- other day - the other day - в другой день, --- day after tomorrow - the day after tomorrow - послезавтра, --- day before yesterday - the day before yesterday - позавчера, --- only (place) - the only (place) - единственный, --- same opinion - the same opinion - такое же мнения , to --- right - to the right - направо, to --- left - to the left - налево, --- more ... --- better - the more ... the better, to be under --- weather - to be under the weather- быть не в настроении, to do --- dishes - to do the dishes - мыть посуду, to go to --- theatre - to go to the theatre -идти в театр , to go to --- cinema - to go to the cinema - идти в кинотеатр , to go to --- country - to go to the country - поехать в деревню, to lay --- table - to lay the table - накрывать на стол, to listen to --- radio - to listen to the radio- слушать радо, to make --- bed - to make the bed - заправлять кровать, to pass --- music - to pass the music -передавать музыку, to play --- piano - to play the piano- играть на пианино, to play --- violine - to play the violine - играть на скрипке, to play --- guitar  - to play the guitar - играть на гитаре, to tell --- truth - to tell the truth - говорить правду, to weather --- storm - to weather the storm -пережить бурю,

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