1) He was very ... when he won 1000€. a) excited b) exciting 2) We borrowed an ... book. a) interested b) interesting 3) That Dracula film was absolutely ... . a) terrified b) terrifying 4) We had nothing to do. We were really ... . a) bored b) boring 5) I enjoyed the story but it was really ... . a) frightened b) frightening 6) A: What's your favourite football team? B: I don't know. I'm not really ... football. a) interested in b) interesting in 7) I'm ... this TV show. Can we watch something else? a) bored with b) boring with 8) I'm feeling very ... . I think I'll go to bed. a) tired b) tiring 9) I can't find my glasses. It's so ... ! I had them five minutes ago. a) annoyed b) annoying 10) Dear Anita, First of all, congratulations on your exam results! You must be really ... . a) pleased b) pleasing 11) Are you all right? You look ... . a) worried b) worrying 12) I like Jeremy but he can be ... sometimes. He never stops talking! a) tired b) tiring 13) My dad's really ... spiders. He hates them! a) frightened of b) frightening of

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