introducing the speaker (name, affiliation): Some of you may know me already, but allow me to introduce myself, I´m with the Mergers and Acquisitions department of our firm, informing about points that will be covered: I´ll be speaking about..., I´m going to tell you about..., At this point, I'd like to give you a short overview of my presentation, I'm going to start with a few comments on how to..., Then I'll discuss the issue of..., After that, I'll discuss the process of..., After the break, I'll move on to the legal aspects..., At the end, I'll conclude with a look at ..., telling listeners about practical matters related to the presentation: Please feel free to interrupt me at any time..., I think we'll have time for a short break at that point, There'll be time for a discussion at the end,

Listening A (Unit 4-ILE) (4.2)

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