Define - Give the exact meaning of a word or phrase, perhaps examine different possible or often used defintions, Assess/Evaluate - Decide the worth, validity, or effectiveness of something using scientific evidence, To what extent - Look at evidence/arguments for and against and weigh them up in terms of their value, Contrast - Look at differences, Give an account of/for - Explain the reasons for or clarify something., Analyse - A methodical examination of something in order to explain or interpret it., Compare - Look for and how the similarities and differences between things, Describe - Get a detailed account of something without drawing conclusions, Explain - Give details about how or why something is so, Criticise - Make a judgments, supported by a reasoned discussion of the evidence involved, or describe the merit of theories, opinions, or assertions. , Discuss - Explain two or more sides of an issues and any associated implications, Justify - Give reasons for a point of view, decisions, or conclusions and include any main objections arguments against it, Summarise - Give a clear, short description, explanation or account of something, without the inclusion of minor details., Outline - Give the main features of general principle of a subjects, focusing on the structure and arrangement, but no minor details are provided., Illustrate - Make a clear and explicit and give carefully chosen examples. ,
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