antipoaching - is the organised act to counter the poaching of wildlife, approaching - coming nearer in distance or time, anatomizing - the separation and identification of the parts of a whole, allocating - distribute (resources or duties) for a particular purpose, ambushing - to attack by surprise from a hidden place, analyzing - To separate into parts for study: anatomize, break down, dissect, resolve., ageing - the process of growing old, aggregating - formed or calculated by the combination of many separate units or items , agonizing - causing great physical or mental pain, aggrieving - to give pain or trouble , aestheticizing - To depict in an idealized or artistic manner., activizing - to make active, abducting - take (someone) away by force or deception, abominating - a thing that causes disgust or hatred, abbreviating - Shortened; relatively short, advocating - to support or urge by argument, affixing - to add an extra paragraph to a letter, abandoning - to describe something that has been left out or avoided, abiding - (of a feeling or memory) lasting a long time; enduring, ascending - Moving, going, or growing upward,
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