How did I come to accept my addiction? , Can I stay clean off of yesterday's recovery?, What am I doing for my recovery today?, What's my favorite step, and why? , Has my disease been active recently? In what way?, Reservations and Yets, Resentments are like taking poison and expecting the other person to get sick., What is the difference between working a program and living the program?, Am I spiritually prepared for making difficult amends and dealing with the results?, What do I have hope about today?, What values and principles are important to me?, Do I have any defects that I think cannot be removed? What are they?, Powerlessness and Surrender, How has my understanding of a Higher Power changed since coming to NA?, What kind of service work am I doing to carry the message?, How can I practice principles in the different areas of my life?, To what extent have I developed love and compassion for myself and others?, Honesty, Open Mindedness and Willingness, What does the phrase "We came to believe..." mean to me?, Nothing changes if nothing changes. What does that mean to me?.

Surfing the Net - Recovery Wheel


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