A builder is a person ____ builds houses. A hairdresser is somebody ____ cuts your hair. A library is a place ____ you can read or borrow books. A campsite is a place ____ people sleep in tents. Mugs are things ____ you drink from. An iPod is something ____ you listen to music with. An architect is someone ____ designs buildings. An Internet cafe is a place ____ you can send emails and have a coffee. An art gallery is a place ____ you look at paintings. Trainers are shoes ____ people wear for sport. A bookshop is a place ____ you buy books. Scissors are things ____ you use to cut paper with. Lipstick is something ____ you put on your lips. A pilot is a person ____ flies planes. A tourist is a person ____ visits another country. The boy ____ phone just rang should put it on silent This is Brad, ____ father is an engineer. She knew the family ____ house burned down last year. Never go to a doctor ____ office plants have died. This is the guy I told you about. The one ____ mother is a teacher. That's the expensive vase ____ I broke. I saw a film last night ____ was pretty interesting. There's a haunted apartment ____ Kate lives. Lisa is a girl ____ father recommended this juice. I'll never forget the day ____ I met my best friend. I spoke to a girl ____ was from India. My uncle bought a car ____ was very expensive. I have photos from the summer ____ we were on holiday in Spain. Keith is the student ____ short story won first prize. This is the shop ____ they sell old comic books.

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