Tudor Rose - Unity of Lancaster and York families, Crusaders - soldiers that join the Crusade, mob football - a game that played on Shrove Tuesday, pottage - Medieval thick vegetable soup., dubbed - the ceremony that a squire go through to become a knight, scold's bridle - an iron muzzle; the punishment for women , Henry II - The king let some monks whipped his bare back., Simon de Montfort - The man who led the baron war against Henry III, House of Common - They must go through voting in public and joined as 'commoners', Richard II - The Peasants' Revolt king, Flagellants - People went around whipping themselves, hoping God take pity on them and stop the plague, bloodletting - special tools used to cut open a vein and bleed a patient, barber-surgeon - cheap doctor that perform bloodletting and cut your hair, Edward I - The king who initiated the 'Iron Ring' in Wales, Henry Tudor - The king who married Elizabeth of York and ended the War of Roses, Richard III - The king who killed Edward V and killed in the battle of Bosworth, Joan of Arc - The statue that found in the centre of Paris, Henry VI - The king who suffer from madness and memory loss., Stock - The criminals could sit down in this as punishment, humours - main liquids in the body ,

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