1) NASA a) World Health Organization b) United Nations Organization c) National Aeronautics and Space Administration d) International Monetary Fund 2) NASA Headquarters a) Washington D.C / USA b) Miami c) New York d) Philadelphia 3) Foundation year of NASA a) 1969 b) 1958 c) 2001 d) 1999 4) founder of NASA a) Bill Clinton b) John Kennedy c) Dwight D. Eisenhower d) Barack Obama 5) NASA function a) Make airplanes. b) Develop technologies to explore the universe. c) Colonize Mars.  d) Back on the Moon. 6) What is the purpose of the Juno Mission? a) Know more about the planet Jupiter. b) Know more about the planet Uranus. c) Know more about the planet Earth d) Know more about the planet Venus. 7) What is the purpose of the Mars Rover Mission? a) Explore the planet Venus. b) Explore the planet Neptune. c) Explore the planet Saturn.  d) Explore the planet Mars. 8) What does the Hubble telescope represent? a) Phases of the Moon. b) Great evolution in the knowledge of the universe. c) Solar System.  d) Sunshine. 9) What was the purpose of the Mercury program? a) Launch the Hubble telescope into orbit. b) Launch an astronaut into space. c) Taking the man to the Moon d) Making spaceships.  10) What was the purpose of the Apollo project? a) Launch the Hubble telescope into orbit. b) Launch an astronaut into space. c) Taking the man to the Moon d) Making spaceships.  11) When did the man first go to the Moon? a) On July 20 , 1969 b) On September 11, 2001 c) On January 14, 1999 d) On May 13, 1977 12) Who was the first astronaut to walk on the moon? a) Michael Collins b) Edwin Aldrin c) Neil Armstrong d) Marcos Pontes 13) International Space Station. a) NASA Rocket. b) NASA Space Laboratory. c) NASA telescope d) NASA radio communication. 


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