contented - 知足的happy and satisfied because your life is good, ecstatic - 欣喜若狂的, elated - 兴高采烈的extremely happy and excited, especially because of something that has happened or is going to happen, delighted - 很高兴的, stoked - adj.满足的;兴奋的, v. 煽动;激起;给…添加(燃料), thrilled - 激动不已very excited, happy, and pleased, optimistic - 乐观的, agreeable - 令人愉快的, appreciated - 赞赏的fully understood or grasped, animated - 有生气的, exhausted - 筋疲力尽的very tired, Worn out - 疲惫不堪的;精疲力竭的;废旧的;破烂不堪的very tired because you have been working hard, knackered - 疲惫不堪very tired, spent - adj.失效的;筋疲力尽的;用过已废的 very tired, gloomy - 阴郁的, miserable - 悲惨的, bitter - adj.苦的;严寒的;味苦的;愤愤不平的;令人不快的;充满愤怒与仇恨的;使人悲痛的;由痛苦引起的;激烈而不愉快的, grouchy - 脾气暴躁的in a bad temper, especially because you are tired, grumpy - 脾气暴躁的irritable, dreadful - 可怕的 terrible, aggravated - adj. (罪行)严重的,加重的, enraged - 暴怒的;忿怒填胸的, resentful - 愤愤不平的feeling angry and upset about something that you think is unfair , bitter, distressed - 苦恼的very upset, defeated - adj.被击败的;受挫的,泄气的sad and unable to deal with problems, dejected - 沮丧的sad, vibrant - 充满活力的lively, bustling - 繁忙的very busy, picturesque - 风景如画的 , notable - 值得注意的, intriguing - 引人入胜的fascinating, enormous - 巨大的huge, inexpensive(price) - 便宜(价格)的cheap – use this to show approval, immaculate - 完美无瑕的flawless, tranquil - 宁静的, quaint - 古雅的unusual and attractive, especially in an old-fashioned way, dreadful - terrible, gloomy - depressing, ancient - very old – used humorously, dull - boring, packed - 拥挤的, steep(price) - 过高的;突然的;不合理的;过分的;(价格), touristy - adj.吸引很多游客的;为吸引游客设计的, filthy - 肮脏的, deserted - 被遗弃的, overpopulated - 人口过剩的, Compact - adj.紧凑的;小型的;紧密的;体积小的;袖珍的;坚实的;矮小而健壮的, cosmopolitan - 世界性的, 知足的happy and satisfied because your life is good - contented, 欣喜若狂的 - ecstatic, 兴高采烈的extremely happy and excited, especially because of something that has happened or is going to happen - elated, 很高兴的 - delighted, adj.满足的;兴奋的, v. 煽动;激起;给…添加(燃料) - stoked, 激动不已very excited, happy, and pleased - thrilled, 乐观的 - optimistic, 令人愉快的 - agreeable, 赞赏的fully understood or grasped - appreciated, 有生气的 - animated, 筋疲力尽的very tired - exhausted, 疲惫不堪的;精疲力竭的;废旧的;破烂不堪的very tired because you have been working hard - Worn out, 疲惫不堪very tired - knackered, adj.失效的;筋疲力尽的;用过已废的 very tired - spent, 阴郁的 - gloomy, 悲惨的 - miserable, adj.苦的;严寒的;味苦的;愤愤不平的;令人不快的;充满愤怒与仇恨的;使人悲痛的;由痛苦引起的;激烈而不愉快的 - bitter, 脾气暴躁的in a bad temper, especially because you are tired - grouchy, 脾气暴躁的irritable - grumpy, 可怕的 terrible - dreadful, adj. (罪行)严重的,加重的 - aggravated, 暴怒的;忿怒填胸的 - enraged, 愤愤不平的feeling angry and upset about something that you think is unfair , bitter - resentful, 苦恼的very upset - distressed, adj.被击败的;受挫的,泄气的sad and unable to deal with problems - defeated, 沮丧的sad - dejected, 充满活力的lively - vibrant, 繁忙的very busy - bustling, 风景如画的 - picturesque, 值得注意的 - notable, 引人入胜的fascinating - intriguing, 巨大的huge - enormous, 便宜(价格)的cheap – use this to show approval - inexpensive(price), 完美无瑕的flawless - immaculate, 宁静的 - tranquil, 古雅的unusual and attractive, especially in an old-fashioned way - quaint, terrible - dreadful, depressing - gloomy, very old – used humorously - ancient, boring - dull, 拥挤的 - packed, 过高的;突然的;不合理的;过分的;(价格) - steep(price), adj.吸引很多游客的;为吸引游客设计的 - touristy, 肮脏的 - filthy, 被遗弃的 - deserted, 人口过剩的 - overpopulated, adj.紧凑的;小型的;紧密的;体积小的;袖珍的;坚实的;矮小而健壮的 - Compact, 世界性的 - cosmopolitan,
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