1) My father can bake delicious cookies. a) Ability b) Permission 2) You can't park your car in front of the store. a) Ability b) Permission 3) They can't speak another language. a) Ability b) Permission 4) Can you call me tomorrow morning ? a) Ability b) Permission 5) He can hold his breath for more than one minute. a) Ability b) Permission 6) Can I use your computer ? a) Ability b) Permission 7) Sorry, I am late. Can I come in ? a) Ability b) Permission 8) The children can go back to bed at 9' o clock. a) Ability b) Permission 9) The baby can't walk. a) Ability b) Permission 10) Emma can play the piano. a) Ability b) Permission 11) He can draw amazing pictures. a) Ability b) Permission 12) David can fix the car. a) Ability b) Permission 13) Can I borrow your dictionary ? a) Ability b) Permission 14) Can you change the channel ? a) Ability b) Permission

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