1) When did the American Civil War take place ?  a) 1775-1783 b) 1812-1815 c) 1861-1865 d) 1917-1918 2) The Civil War was also called the War of... a) Recession b) Secession c) Segregation d) Persecution 3) These two generals faced each other during the Civil War : a) General Lee (the Confederacy - South) b) General Lee (the Union - North) c) General Grant (the Confederacy - South) d) General Grant (the Union - North) 4) These two men were presidents during the Civil War : a) Abraham Lincoln (President of the Union) b) Abraham Lincoln (President of the Confederacy) c) Jefferson Davis (President of the Union) d) Jefferson Davis (President of the Confederacy) 5) At the time the North and the South had different economic situations : a) the North was agricultural b) the North was industrial c) the South was agricultural d) the South was industrial 6) In the 1800s the question of slavery divided the country, so the US government decided to... a) reduce the number of slave states. b) invest in machines instead of slaves. c) have an equal number of free and slave states. 7) How did the war end ? a) The Confederate troops surrendered. b) The Union troops surrendered. c) Jefferson Davis was killed in battle. d)  Abraham Lincoln was assassinated. 8) This amendment to the US Constitution abolished slavery in 1865, right after the Civil War : a) the 2nd amendment  b) the 13th amendment c) the 15th amendment d) the 19th amendment 9) After the war: A set of rules which restricted the rights, employment and property of newly freed slaves. a) the Jim Crow Laws b) the Black Codes c) the Klu Klux Klan 10) After the war: A militia of white supremacists who persecuted African Americans. a) the Jim Crow Laws b) the Black Codes c) the Klu Klux Klan 11) After the war: legislation that forced African Americans to live, eat, travel, and work separately from whites. a) the Jim Crow Laws b) the Black Codes c) the Klu Klux Klan

Quiz on the American Civil War

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