miss - feel sad because someone or something is not with you anymore, rainstorm - a storm with heavy rain and often very strong wind, cover - to put on top of something else so you cannot see it, deep - being a long way down from the top of the bottom of something, electricity - a form of energy or power that creates light, heat or movement, important - something that requires someone 's attention, solve - to find the answer to a problem, brilliant - very clever, build - use materials to create somewhere to live, work or stay in, health centre - a building with many doctors and nurses who you can make an appointment to see when you are ill, top - the opposite of bottom, the highest place or part of something, library - a building where you can read books or borrow them without paying, service - help, or a system such as public transport, that is available to the people, pick up - go and take someone from somewhere using a car, public transport - vehicles, such as buses and trains, used by the public, they operate according to a timetable, appliance - a machine, such as a cooker, or a washing machine, that works using electricity and is used to do a certain job,
Simply A2 Test 1 Part 3 Vocabulary
Ngoại ngữ
Tiếng Anh
İçeriği Düzenle
Daha fazla
Skor Tablosu
Daha fazla göster
Daha az göster
Bu lider panosu şu anda gizlidir. Herkese açmak için
'a tıklayın.
Bu lider panosu kaynak sahibi tarafından devre dışı bırakıldı.
Seçenekleriniz kaynak sahibinden farklı olduğu için bu lider panosu devre dışı bırakıldı.
Seçenekleri Eski Haline Döndür
açık uçlu bir şablondur. Bir lider panosu için skor oluşturmaz.
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