1) Who flies a plane? a) doctor b) photographer c) pilot 2) Who works with animals? a) vet b) firefighter c) businessman 3) Who cooks at the restaurant? a) farmer b) chef c) photographer 4) Who takes care of sick people? a) teacher b) driver c) nurse 5) Who works at school? a) police officer b) teacher c) postman 6) Who cuts hair? a) hairdresser b) dentist c) businesswoman 7) Who takes photos? a) salesperson b) photographer c) firefighter 8) Who catches criminals? a) postman b) businessman c) police officer 9) Who sells clothes? a) teacher b) salesperson c) nurse 10) Who puts up fires? a) businessman b) hairdresser c) firefighter

HF G U3 Who does...?


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