1) My sister leaves a LETTER she wrote to her bestfriend on the kitchen table. I want to read it but I don't because I know it's private. What is her letter? a) PRIMARY b) SECONDARY 2) When I visit my Aunt she shows me PICTURES of my parents when they were little. What am I looking at? a) SECONDARY b) PRIMARY 3) My mom has CDs of my grandparents telling stories about when they were kids. We love to listen to them before bedtime. What are we listening to? a) PRIMARY b) SECONDARY 4) I was playing with my friends and found an old WEDDING DRESS in the attic. My father said it was his mother’s. What is the dress? a) SECONDARY b) PRIMARY 5) I am writing a REPORTS on George Washington and my friend lends me her encyclopedia. What am I using? a) PRIMARY b) SECONDARY 6) When I was at summer camp last year, I found an ARROWHEAD. My parents said they were used a long time ago by Indians. What is my arrowhead? a) PRIMARY b) SECONDARY 7) A YOUTUBE VIDEOS on describing how a Pyramids were built. a) PRIMARY b) SECONDARY 8) I like to read magazines for kids. I really like the STORIES about famous people who are in movies. When I read these stories, what am I reading? a) SECONDARY b) PRIMARY 9) At school we use TEXTBOOKS to find out about many different people and events. When we use textbooks, what are we using? a) SECONDARY b) PRIMARY 10) My friend Tim told me about a BOOKS he read that he really liked. He said I should read it too. When Tim talks about the book, what is he? a) PRIMARY b) SECONDARY



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