ENDANGERED - Pandas, tigers and elephants are all ............................ species., CONSERVATION - There is a need for the ............................ of trees, or there will soon be no forests., LANDFILL - the disposal of waste material in excavated holes., HABITAT - This tiger's natural .................. is the jungle., DISPOSABLE - Hospitals use up bandages, .................. gloves and other consumables at an alarming rate., DUMP - Some people just ....................... their rubbish in the river., POACHING - illegal hunting is called ......................., CARBON FOOTPRINT - the amount of CO2 released into the atmosphere as a result of the activities of an individual, factory or community., WASTE - The Japanese recycle more than half their ................. paper., DECOMPOSE - The tomato began to ...................... after half a day in the sun., ORGANIC - Most supermarkets sell a range of ....................... products (no chemicals or pesticides) ., ACTIVISTS - Environmental ........................ gathered in Portland on Earth Day toprotest against climate change.,

Environment related vocabulary B1


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