1) I want to make a birthday cake for my friend, but I don’t know ___________ to do it. a) why b) was c) how 2) I’ll help you if you ___________ . Do you have a recipe? a) would want b) why c) want 3) Yes, here it is. My mom says these cakes ____________ easy to make if you follow the instructions, but Idon’t understand them! a) are b) which c) how 4) OK, no problem. Does it say ________ you need for the cake? a) why b) what c) are 5) Yes, I’ve got all the ingredients. Right. So first, we mix the butter and sugar together. If I __________ we were going to be making cakes, I’d have brought my electric mixer! It would be easier if the butter ________ a bit softer. OK, now we add the eggs. a) knew / be b) known / will be c) ´d known / was 6) Then it says you have to fold in the flour with a metal spoon. Do you know ________ you have to do that? a) are b) why c) how 7) You need to get enough air into the mixture. If you ________ , the cake won’t rise properly. a) don´t b) how c) wouldn´t 8) Oh, OK. Thanks for explaining ____________ to do, Alex. I don’t know what I’d have done if you ___________ here! a) which / weren´t  b) what/ hadn´t been c) why / wasn´t d) what / aren´t

Choose the Correct option


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