1) He _______ Chennai next year. a) was visiting b) visits c) will visit 2) She ______ to music every night. a) listens b) was listening c) is listening 3) At this very moment, the team _____ the flight. a) boards b) has been boarding c) is boarding 4) Sheela ______ to Chennai last week. a) was going b) went c) was gone 5) We ________ regularly. a) exercise b) will be exercising c) are exercising 6) Do you know if he ______ to the meeting now? a) comes b) is coming c) has been coming 7) People _______ the best for their family. a) are wanting b) will be wanting c) want 8) He ____________ TV when the bell rang. a) was watching b) will watch c) watch 9) I _____ English class on Wednesdays. a) am attending b) attend c) was attended 10) They ________ a movie yesterday. a) are watching b) was watched c) watched 11) The girl _____ and hid behind the tree. a) runs b) ran c) is running 12) Water _____ the shape of the vessel in which it is kept. a) is taking b) takes c) will be taking

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