belief in only 1 god - monotheism, Judaism - Hebrew religion, Egypt - to escape slavery, Moses led the Hebrews out of this place, Canaan - Promised Land, Torah - holy book, prophets - spiritual leaders, Saul - first King of Israel, second King of Israel - David, third King of Israel - Solomon, Ten Commandments - rules for life give by God, plagues - struck Egypt, prompted the Pharaoh to free the slaves, Pharaoh felt threatened by the Israelites growing numbers - why the Israelites became slaves, Mt. Sinai - where the Israelites received the Ten Commandments, H - Which letter marks Israel?, Babylonian Captivity - held captive for 50 years by Nebuchadnezzar, Nebuchadnezzar - responsible for the Babylonian Captivity, David - leader who made Jerusalem the capital of Israel, rules of conduct - The Ten Commandments & Hammurabi's Code both contain this., drought; went to find food - why Israelites went to Egypt, Solomon - had the Temple of Jerusalem built,
Ancient Israel Review
6th Grade
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