Atom - Smallest part of an element that keeps the properties of that element., Element - made of one type of atom only , Compound - Formed from two or more different atoms of an element chemically combined together , Molecule - formed from two or more similar atoms e.g., H2, O2, I2, F2  , Protons - positivly charged subatomic particle , Neutron - neutrally charged subatomic species , Electron - Negatively charged subatomic species , Nucleus - Contains protons and neutrons , Orbit  - Electrons found here, Mass Number - Tells the number of protons and neutrons found in the nucleus of an atom of an element. , Atomic Number - Tells the number of protons in an atom of an element, Isotopes - Atoms which have the same atomic number but have a different atomic Mass number  , Ions - Formed when atoms gain or loose electrons , Anions  - negatively charged ions , Cations - positively charged ions , Number of protons in Nitrogen is - 7, 14 is the - Atomic mass number of nitrogen, All the elements are listed according to - Increasing atomic number , Mixture - Formed when two or more elements chemically combine together ,

Essential Chemistry Vocabulary


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