1) What is the formula to find the area of a "Circle" ? a) A=b h b) A=6a2 c) A=a2 d) A=a+ b/2 h e) A=πr2 2) One side of a square park is 50 feet long. What is the area of a park ? a) 200 square feet b) 2000 square feet c) 100 square feet d) 500 square feet e) 1000 square feet 3) what is the formula to find the area of a "Triangle" ? a) A=bh b) A = ½ (b × h) c) A=a+b /2 h d) A=πr2 e) A=6a2 4) The diameter of a circle is 28cm . Find its area a) A≈853.269cm2 b) A≈596.20cm2 c) A≈615.75cm2 d) A≈2649.10cm2 e) A≈564.98cm2 5) Why would you use the formula A =a2 ? a) To get the area of a triangle b) To get the area of the square c) To get the area of the parallelogram d) To get the area of the circle e) To get the area of the cube 6) what is the area of a triangle with height 8 inches & base 2 inches ? a) 8 square meters b) 40 square meters c) 14 square meters d) 18 square meters e) 45 square meters 7) what is the formula to find the area of a "parallelogram" ? a) A=a+ b/2 h b) A=πr2 c) A=6a2 d) A=2( wl+hl+hw ) e) A=bh 8) Calculate the area of a parallelogram with a base of 12 meters & height of 7 meters ? a) 84 square meters b) 2 square meters c) 65 square meters d) 43 square meters e) 25 square meters 9) Find the area of the rectangle if the length is 9 cm & width is 5 cm ? a) 45cm2 b) 91cm2 c) 15cm2 d) 26cm2 e) 50cm2 10) The rectangle has a base of 40 & a height of 20. what is the area ? a) 35 b) 42 c) 800 d) 350 e) 76

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