it's worth it  - the action isn't easy but you like the result, encourage - to give someone the courage or confidence to do something, get into  - to start doing something, give up on  - to stop hoping that someone or something will change or improve, put off - to make you dislike something or not want to do something, take pride in  - to be proud of what you do, campaign - a series of actions to achieve a particular result in politics, business, or a social improvement, care for - to look after someone who is not able to look after themselves, charity - organisations that give money, goods or help to people who are poor, sick, etc., contribute - to give money, help, ideas, etc. to something that a lot of other people are also involved in, help out - to help someone because they are busy or have problems, poverty - the situation or experience of being poor , raise money - to collect money that you can use to do a particular job or help people, survey - a set of questions that you ask a large number of people in order to find out about their opinions or behaviour , volunteer - someone who does a job willingly without being paid,

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