Task: — what people travel for; — why people choose different means of transport; — why some people are afraid to fly; — what your attitude to travelling is. Answer: Вступление: I’m going to ____ a talk about travelling. 1) It is ____ that most people are fond ____ travelling. They are interested ____ travelling because it is a good ____ to discover new places and find ____ something new about other cultures. People want to see the sights, ____ different cuisines and practice languages. 2) As far ____ I know, people choose ____ means of transport. Some people like travelling ____ plane because it is fast. Others prefer to go by bus or train ____ it is cheaper. 3) Some people are ____ to fly as they do not feel safe ____ the flight because of the high altitude. 4) ____, I am a ____ of travelling. I am ____ travelling gives new emotions and ____. Завершение: That’s all I ____ to say. Thank you for ____.

огэ английский устная часть 4 пример

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