Elizabethans believed that God set out an order to everything in the universe. What was this called? - The Great Chain of Being., What was at the top of this order and what was at the bottom? - God was found at the top of the Great Chain and rocks/minerals at the bottom. Humans were placed near the middle., What did Elizabethans believe would happen if this order was ever disrupted? - All of nature would be thrown into chaos., Who was the king of England when Shakespeare wrote ‘Macbeth’? - James I (James VI of Scotland), Those suspected of having dealings with supernatural spirits were condemned to what? - Hanging, burning or drowning., What were witches said to be capable of? - Many believed witches could see into the future, that they could create hail, storms and thunder, sink ships, turn night into day, day into night, dry up springs, cause the death of their enemies and turn invisible., What does the word ‘patriarchal’ mean? - Male dominated society., What role did women play in Shakespeare’s society? - Women could work in domestic spheres (cooks/maids) and could also write (mainly religious works)., What were women NOT allowed to do? - Act on or write for the public stage., What did women see childbearing as? - A great honour as children were usually seen as a blessing from God.,



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