1) America ................................ by Christopher Columbus in 1492. a) was discovered b) were discovered c) are discovered 2) When ..................... penicillin .................? In 1928. a) was/ invented b) were/ invented c) is /invented 3) English ....................... everywhere nowadays. a) is spoken b) are spoken c) was spoken 4) Mercedes Benz cars ....................... in Germany. a) are manufactured b) is manufactured c) were manufactured 5) ....................... new copies of Harry Potter ....................... every year? a) Are/ published b) Is/ published c) was published 6) ...................... your car .................... every month? Yes. a) Is/ washed b) Are/ washed c) Was/washed 7) New goods ............................... last week. The company is losing money. a) wasn't delivered b) weren't delivered  c) aren't delivered 8) A lot of emails .......................... today because the computer is down. a) aren't sent b) isn't sent c) wasn't sent

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