1) What is the kindest choice Charlie can do? a) Offer Jay 5 of his gems 💎  b) Keep him company whilst he saves up his coins c) Remind him it’s just a game - don’t be too upset 2) Like an offline friend, a good online friend might be: a) Thoughtful b) Painful c) Rude 3) What does Heart stand for? a) Be kind online b) Be rude online c) Be safe online 4) Should we bully someone online? a) Yes b) No c) Maybe 5) Should we report someone who bullies you online? | Hint: Remember, T stands for Tell  a) Yes b) No c) Maybe 6) Back to question 1, which options should Jay click? a) Accept b) Deny 7) Which choice should Zishan choose? a) Include the pictures anyway b) Check with an adult c) Look in a book to see if the pictures are there 8) Zishan knew the pictures were fake, he was angry with his friend who send him that link, but which options could he send to his friend? a) 9 b) 9 c) 9

Smart with a Heart - Heart♥️

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