1) The first step to make a paraphrase is to . . . a) change word order b) read the text c) change grammatical forms 2) The second step to make a paraphrase is to . . . a) remove or cover the text b) underline key facts  c) change grammatical forms 3) The third step to make a paraphrase is to . . . a) change word order b) change individual words c) refer back to the original text to ensure that you've kept the important information 4) The relevance of a good paraphrase is to a) analyse and understand the context b) choose the same words as the author c) use the dictionary if necessary 5) Writing a summary means . . . a) including all details (i.e. statistics, adjectives, dates, time) b) writing a brief statement about the main ideas c) be wordy and relatable 6) A good summary should . . . a) maintain and follow good paragraph structure b) blow your audience away c) include solid ideas from both the author and yourself 7) The topic sentence of a summary should include . . . a) the main idea of the thesis b) the hook and background information c) the title, the key fact of the text 8) The supporting sentences of a summary should . . . a) state some details and descriptions verbatim b) follow the same order as the original work c) include quotes 9) A summary should include . . . a) paraphrases b) quotes c) specific adjectives that the author has used 10) A summary should be . . . a) subjective b) objective c) including your opinion 11) A fast way to write a summary sentence is to . . . a) copy, cut and paste the sentence while adding more words b) use a quote and suggest your opinion c) remove adjectives and vocab not related to main idea

Paraphrasing & Summary Writing 2


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