animated (adj.) - full of life, lively,moved to action, brood (n) - a family of young animals(n) think over, worry (v), constituent (n) - an essential part; a voter, culminate (v) - to end; to reach a high point of development , downright (adv) - thoroughly, totally, drone (n) - n a loafer; a buzzing sound v to make a buzzing sound, goad (v) - to urge on, hanker (v) - to want, to long for, indulge (V) - to give in to a wish or dream., literate (adj) - able to read and write, loom (v) - (v) to come into view (n) a machine for weaving, luster (n) - quality of giving off light, ;brightness, miscellaneous (adj) - mixed or of different kinds, oration (n) - a public speech, peevish (adj) - cross, complaining, irritable, seethe (v) - to boil or foam, to be excited or disturbed, singe (v) - to burn slightly, unique (adj) - one of a kind, upright (adj) - verticle, straight; good, honest, verify (v) - to establish the truth or confirm,

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