sinister - seeming evil or dangerous, wane - to become gradually less strong or less important, comprise - to consist of particular parts, groups, etc., conform - to behave and think in the same way as most other people in a group or society, maintain - to keep stating that something is true, rebellious - unwilling to obey rules or follow generally accepted standards of behaviour, conviction - the quality of showing that you believe strongly in what you are saying, mainstream - the most usual ideas or methods, or the people who have these ideas or methods, unconventional - not following what is done or considered normal or acceptable by most people; different and interesting, quote - to repeat the exact words that another person has said or written, pretentiousness - an exaggerated sense of one’s importance, intelligence or high class, purport - to claim to be or do something, even if this is not true; profess, diehard - someone who opposes change and refuses to accept new ideas,

Gold Experience C1 - Unit 4 - Reading

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