Name 3 ...drinks you will have at New Year's Eve, Name 3 ...things you plan to do on the New Year's night, Name 3 you will regift, Name 3 places to celebrate New Year, Name 3 ... things you will do on the 1st of January, Name 3 ...things you will eat at New Year's Eve, Name 3 ...words to descibe 2023, Name 3 ...things you want as presents for New Year, What is better: get a book or a pair of socks?, What is better: clean your house or cook at New Year's Eve?, What is better: get many small presents or get one big present?, What is better:spend a day before New Year watching films or going shopping in a shopping mall ?, What is better: be at home with your family on New Year or be at a party with friends on New Year ?, What is better: have 100$ to buy New Year presents for yourself or have 100$ before New Year to buy presents for family and friends ?, What is better: olivier or shuba?,

Holiday challenge


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