1) This is when food and plants are grown without chemicals._____ a) organic b) crank up c) pesticides d) consumption 2) This is the water that you get right out of the sink.____ a) thermostat b) source c) pesticides d) tap water 3) This is what we do when we turn something up, like the heat or the volume on our radio._____ a) plastic b) crank up c) efficient d) conserve 4) These are chemicals that farmers use to keep bugs and animals away from the fruits and vegetables they grow.______ a) consumption b) organic c) pesticides d) source 5) This is the gauge that controls the temperature of our heat, air conditioning, or hot water heater._____  a) thermostat b) recycle c) conserve d) efficient 6) This is when we try to save something by only using a little of it. We usually do this because there is a limited supply of it and we don't want to waste it._____  a) plastic b) pesticides c) crank up d) conserve 7) This is a synthetic material that we use in place of metal and wood. It's light and difficult to break.____  a) plastic b) crank up c) recycle d) pesticides 8) This is the act of using something, or the amount that we use of something._____ a) recycle b) consumption c) pesticides d) source 9) This is where something comes from, the origin._____ a) efficient b) source c) thermostat d) recycle 10) This is how we describe something that is productive or economical._____ a) efficient b) recycle c) thermostat d) plastic 11) This is when we make something new out of old material.______ a) thermostat b) tap water c) recycle d) efficient

Mega Goal 2 (MG22) Unit 6 Going Green Lesson 1 Listen and Discuss Workbook (Talal Alhazmi)

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