1) This is the roller coaster __________ Emily wanted to ride on. a) which b) who c) --------- d) what 2) These are the kids ____________ gave us the tickets for the fun park. a) that b) they c) -------------- d) who 3) What's the name of the fruit __________ looks like green bananas? a) --------------- b) who c) which d) that 4) John Lennon is the Beatles musician ____________ Gareth's father likes best. a) he b) who c) ------------ d) which 5) Where is the shop __________ sells these cool sunglasses? a) that b) where c) ----------- d) which 6) The jeans ____________ I bought were not too expensive. a) they b) that c) ------------ d) who 7) These are the most boring photos ____________ I have ever taken. a) ------------- b) them c) which d) who 8) The pop song ___________ we listened to in class was slow and boring. a) that b) what c) ------------ d) who 9) What's the name of the German man ___________ invented the car in 1886? a) who b) that c) ------------ d) he 10) The workshop ___________ our teacher spoke about is about Cuban percussion. a) that b) who c) ------------- d) what

GLN 2 Unit 2 Station 2: Relative clauses, contact clauses

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