1) Fred is good ... tennis. He's the school champion. a) about b) at c) in d) of 2) She is excited ... her birthday party on Friday. a) about b) at c) in d) of 3) I can't play chess. I'm bad ... it. a) about b) at c) in d) of 4) They're interested ... history and science. a) about b) at c) in d) of 5) Why are you scared ... snakes? a) about b) at c) in d) of 6) I'm worried ... you. What's the matter? a) about b) at c) in d) of 7) Tom is interested ... football. a) about b) at c) in d) of 8) Lucas is excited ... science. a) about b) at c) in d) of 9) I'm not good ... computer games. a) about b) at c) in d) of

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