1) Where is Fred? He's at ____ museum.   a) a b) the c) an 2) Mont Blanc is ____ highest mountain in France a) a b) an c) the 3) We've got ____ new pet. It's a cat a) a b) an c) the 4) ______ biggest sea isn't as big as an ocean. a) The b) A c) An 5) I have____ umbrella. a) a b) an c) the 6) Which river is in London? It's _____ Thames. a) a b) an c) the 7) Who is ____ boy Mark is talking to? a) a b) an c) the 8) My mom is ______ nurse. a) an b) a c) the 9) Oh! I saw ____ unicorn! a) a b) an c) the 10) Please, give me _____ hour. a) an b) the c) a

Definite/Indefinite articles A, An, The.


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