1) There are ... books in my bag. a) some b) any 2) Are there ... carrots in your bag? a) any b) some 3) There aren't ... pencils in my pencil-case. a) any b) some 4) There is ... yogurt in the fridge. a) some b) any 5) There are ... potatoes on the table. a) any b) some 6) Are there ... pickles in the fridge? a) some b) any 7) There aren't ... oranges in my bag. a) any b) some 8) There are ... nuts in the bowl. a) any b) some 9) Are there ... onions in the bag? a) some b) any 10) There aren't ... kiwis in the shop. a) some b) any 11) Is there ... rice in the cabinet? a) some b) any 12) There is ... fruit on the table. a) some b) any 13) There isn't ... jelly in the cabinet. a) some b) any 14) There aren't ... mangoes in the basket. a) some b) any

Some \ Any questions for Zinker game


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