go bankrupt - unable to pay what you owe, cut interest rates - decrease the percent that a bank charges you when you borrow money, pay off debts - finish paying money owed for something , expand operations - increase work activity done in a company, take on employees - employ workers, make ends meet - earn just enough money to be able to buy the things you need, come out of recession - reach the end of the bad economic period with high unemployment and little trade/industrial activity , invest in  - spend money on something in order to make it better or more successful, turn the economy around - to make the economy successful again after it was unsuccessful for a time, enjoy a boom - experience a sudden increase in trade and economic activity, set up a business - start a business , demand a higher salary - make a very strong request for a higher salary , go on strike - take part in activities when a group of employees of a company stops working because of an argument over pay or conditions, stifle the (economic) recovery - suppress the process of economic improvement , unemployment - the fact of a number of people not having a job; the number of people without a job,

economics KN 5.3


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