1) What's your name? a) My name's John. b) Me John. c) My name John. 2) How old are you? a) I ten. b) I'm ten. c) No, I'm not. 3) Can chicken sing? a) Yes, she can. b) No, we can't. c) No, they can't. 4) Can you write your name? a) Yes, I can. b) No, I'm not. c) No, I can. 5) Can fish swim? a) Yes, it can't. b) Yes they can. c) No, they can't. 6) Have you got a brother? a) Yes, I heve. b) Yes, I have. c) Yes, I can. 7) How are you? a) I'm fine b) Very well. Thank you. c) My bad. 8) Have you got a teddy? a) Yes, I got. b) Yes, I have. c) No, got haven't. 9) What colours can you see? a) I can see yellow, green and red. b) I can see colour yellow. c) I can see hello. 10) Where are the boys? a) He is at school. b) They are at school. c) I'm at school.

Look 2. Starter. Grammar.


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