1) ________, 25, 100, 500. Find the value a) 10 b) 15 c) 5 d) 20 2) Find the ratio of 90cm and 1.5m a) 90:150 b) 9:15 c) 90:15 d) 9:150 3) Of the 72 persons working in an office, 28 are men and the remaining are women. Find the ratio of the number of men to the total number of persons a) 7: 18 b) 8:17 c) 4:3 d) 7:16 e) 8:16 4) The weight of 56 books is 8 kg. How many such books weigh 6 kg a) 42kg b) 35kg c) 48kg d) None of these 5) Divide 60 in ratio of 1:2 between Ayaan and Mira a) Aryaan will get 20 and Mira will 40 b) Aryaan will get 40 and Mira will 20 c) Aryaan will get 30 and Mira will 60 d) Both will get 30 e) None of these 6) Divide 3010 among A,B,C respectively in such a way that A gets double of B, B gets double of C. a) Rs.1720-A, 860-B, 430-C b) Rs.1600-A, 800-B, 400-C c) Rs.1720-A, 860-B, 440-C d) Rs.1720-A, 870-B, 430-C e) None of these 7) If Aman is 2 1/2 (2 wholes and 1/2) times as old as Ram, then ratio of Aman's age to Ram's age is a) 5:4 b) 5:2 c) 5:10 d) 2:5 e) Can't be determined



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