They'd been incredibly nice to us while we stayed there, so we left an excellent feedback on their work. - welcoming / gave them a rave review, I was left alone and helpless on the side of the road, and he stopped his car and offered me a lift. - stranded / pulled over, My brother has become a real support for me, since I got ill. - a real comfort to me, Stop jump to wrong conclusions, don't you want to see my view to this problem. - see the problem through my perspective, We are closed ones, anyway, so I'm sure that we could find a compromise. - find the middle ground, Nothing could be compared with the feeling when you do it well and you get a great reaction from the audience. - nothing beats, Sport is an excellent way to find another activity and release your bottled-up emotions. - switch off / let off steam, He is definitely a right person for this position. - a go-to for, I do believe it's ok not to become a fan of the activity everybody's hooked on. - take to, His final scene made a negative impact on me, I'm feeling extremely tired and upset. - took its toll on me / drained / down, It was a pretty good day even though some troubles tried to hit me and make feel hopeless. - decent / desperate, As kids, we were naughty and difficult to control. - handfuls, They haven't been talking for a while, they're having a continuing argument. - aren't on speaking terms / an ongoing quarrel, I'm a total beginner in this task, could you stop being so demanding and provide me with comfort and encouragement.  - put me at ease, He is a complete slacker in terms of his job. - doesn't pull his weight at work., She isn't so shy that you're thinking. She likes being in the center of attention. - shy and retiring, It was Roger! Do you know him? Roger... forgot his surname... - Whatshisname, Hey, hand me that lock whatchamacilit, will you? - thingy, He said "Never let anyone tell you what you can and can't do," or something like that.  - something along those lines, It's totally out my character to take a sudden trip , but I just needed to get out of the city for a while. - on the spur of the moment,

Roadmap B2+ U1, Outcomes Advanced U2, Empower C1 U1C Vocabulary revision

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