1. The story was intriguing, but entirely ____. 2. The author made a(n) ____ to Greek mythology in the opening paragraph. 3. The survivors shared their ____ experiences during the earthquake. 4. Going through a divorce can be an emotional ____. 5. The company faced a(n) ____ in profits during the recession. 6. Due to budget constraints, the school had to make ____ in extracurricular activities. 7. The company has a high ____ rate because of its demanding work environment. 8. The ____ for the charity event exceeded our expectations. 9. Dust tends to ____ quickly on shelves if not cleaned regularly. 10. The movie was so ____ that I couldn't look away from the screen. 1. The eerie silence in the abandoned house was ____. 2. The company aims to provide ____ benefits to its employees. 3. They conducted a ____ trial to prepare for the real court case. 4. The news of the alien invasion turned out to be a(n) ____. 5. We ensure that all our business dealings are ____ and transparent. 6. He would often ____ his love for her in extravagant gestures. 7. The media tends to ____ celebrities, often exaggerating their achievements. 8. Whether chocolate ice cream is superior to vanilla is ____ among dessert enthusiasts. 9. The coach's motivational speech ____ the team to victory. 10. The spider's intricate web was designed to ____ unsuspecting insects for its next meal.

Units 5-6-7 Review

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