1) My brother _________________ computer games every evening.  a) plays b) is playing c) am playing d) play 2) My dad ________________ a book about animation films at the moment. a) read b) reads c) is reading d) reading 3) We ___________________ now. We ____________________ TV. a) don't cook / are watching b) don't cook / watch c) aren't cooking / are watching d) aren't cooking / watch 4) Anton often ___________________ to music at the weekend. a) listens b) is listening c) listen d) listening 5) My mum and dad usually ________________ dancing on Saturdays. a) goes b) are going c) go d) is going 6) Our school football team _______________________ their big match now. a) play b) plays c) are playing d) is playing 7) __________ John ________ basketball every Friday after school? a) Is John playing .... b) Do John play ....... c) Does John play ..... d) Does John playing ..... 8) You ________________ your homework these days. a) don't do b) aren't doing c) not doing d) doesn't do 9) My mum _____________ in a shop every weekend. a) works b) work c) is working d) working 10) My sister and I always ________________ milk in the morning.  a) am drinking b) drinks c) drink d) are drinking

Present Simple or Present Continuous?


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