1-Введение: I am doing a project on … ., I have found a table / pie chart with the results of some opinion polls., I am going to comment on the data in the table / pie chart., 2-описание фактов: As can be seen from the pie chart / table,, According to the data in the table / pie chart, …, Overall, it is noticeable that …, 3-сравнения и комментарий: Looking at the data in the table / pie chart in more detail, I see that …, Looking more closely at the table / pie chart, I can note that …, This can be explained by the fact that …, find it quite surprising (interesting / predictable / natural, etc) because …, 4-описание проблемы и предложению решения: Regrettably, … can cause …, Although … are usually associated with … , a problem can arise., Despite numerous benefits of … , one problem can arise. For example, …, I think that … is the best solution to this problem., 5-заключительная часть: In conclusion, I believe that … is (are) crucial in everyone's life because, In conclusion, I think that … are an integral part of our lives because …,

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