string - a cord of stretched wire, nylon, etc. on a musical instrument that is plucked to produce sound, harp - a triangular musical instrument with a row of strings that are stretched vertically, played with the fingers, anthem - an official song of great importance for a particular country that is performed on certain occasions, jukebox - a machine that can play a chosen song when one inserts a coin or pays by card, found in bars, etc., amplifier - an electronic device that strengthens electrical signals or causes sounds to get louder, duo - a musical work for two singers or players, harmony - notes of music played or sung in a combination that produces a pleasing effect, melody - the arrangement or succession of single musical notes in a tune or piece of music, to hum - to sing a tune with closed lips, to whistle - to make a high-pitched sound by forcing air out through one's partly closed lips, Gospel - a type of religious music in which singers sing loudly, originally performed by African Americans, instrumental - made only by instruments and without vocals,

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