assume responsibility - start to have responsibility or start a particular job, take initiative - decide what to do next, earn people's respect - deserve people's respect, to delegate tasks - give part of your work to someone in a lower position than you, build up rapport - gradually develop mutual agreement and understanding, lead by example - show the people you are in charge of what you want them to do by doing it yourself, foster a positive atmosphere - nurture a pleasant atmosphere, stifle creativity - stop creativity from developing, bounce ideas off each other - exchange ideas to find creative solutions, the buck stops with me - I take full responsibility for sth, take a back seat - accept a less important position than someone else, touch base - talk to someone to find out what's happening, put our heads together - try to solve a problem together with others, put somebody in their place - show someone that they aren't as clever or important as they think they are,

UNIT 9 p. 123 Managing and teamwork

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