사회 - society, 기대수명 - life expectancy; span of life, 질병 - disease; sickness, 늘다 - to increase, 사망하다 - to die; pass away; be killed, 장애 - obstacle; impediment; lesion, 앓다 - to be ill with; suffer from illness, _는 것으로 나타나다 - it appears that _, 건강하다 - to be healthy, 기간 - term; period of time, 따라가다 - to follow, 병 - sickness; disease, 예방하다 - to prevent; take precautions, 정책 - policy, 중요하다 - to be important, 주장 - assertion; insistence, 조사 결과 - according to the findings, 에 따르면 - without _, _없이 - male; man, 남성 - female; woman,

TBS 20 Society: Life expectancy and Disease


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