1) 1.Which of the following is not the cardinal signs of leprosy? a) Thickened or enlarged peripheral nerves b) Positive lepromin test c) Definite loss of sensation in pale or reddish skin patch d) Presence of acid-fast bacilli in slit skin smear 2) Based on WHO classification, a patient with single hypopigmented skin lesion and positive slit skin smear is classified as paucibaciliary (PB) leprosy? a) True b) False 3) Which of the following on tuberculoid leprosy is FALSE? a) It is a stable form, usually single lesion, measuring <10 cm. b) The surface is dry, hairless, anaesthetic, and scaly, with a loss of sweating. c) Typically, a lone peripheral nerve trunk is thickened near the lesion. d) Lepromin test is usually negative. e) AFBs are absent on slit skin smears. 4) Which of the following on borderline borderline leprosy is FALSE? a) It is a highly immunologically unstable form of disease in the leprosy spectrum. b) It is seen in those people with high resistance to M. leprae. c) The characteristic lesion is an asymmetrical ‘punched out’ annular plaque with a well-defined raised inner margin and a sloping outer edge d) At risk of developing lepra reaction. e) It can ‘upgrade’ towards tuberculoid leprosy with treatment. 5) Which of the following on lepromatous leprosy is FALSE? a) The nodules usually first appear on the ear lobes. b) The skin lesions are usually numerous, asymmetrical, ill-defined with dry surfaces. c) Lepromin test is usually negative. d) The skin lesions may progress from macular stage to infiltrate stage and late nodular stage. e) The ulcerated nodules are highly contagious. 6) Which of the following is not one of the sequalae of untreated lepromatous leprosy? a) Lagophthalmos b) Orchitis c) Madarosis d) Saddle nose e) Cauliflower ears 7) The following nerves are commonly affected in leprosy except: a) Great auricular nerve  b) Sural nerve c) Posterior tibial nerve d) Femoral nerve e) Supratrochlear nerve 8) Which of the following organ is not involved in leprosy a) Testes b) Bone c) Ovary d) Skin 9) The earliest sensation to be lost in leprosy is a) loss of pinprick b) cold c) hot d) pressure touch 10) Slit skin smear can be used in the following except: a) To confirm the diagnosis where there is clinical suspicion of disease b) To monitor the treatment response in tuberculoid leprosy. c) To determine the treatment regime d) To determine the infectivity of patients e) To detect relapse after completion of MDT 11) Which of the following statements regarding selection of site for slit skin smear is true? a) The minimum number of sites to be taken is 4. b) Both ear lobes are the compulsory sites. c) Smear must be taken at the centre of the well-defined skin lesions d) Previously positive sites should not be repeated. e) Thickened skin on forehead should be avoided. 12) Which of the following statements is false? a) Bacterial index 4+ means 1-100 bacilli, on average, in each field. b) Bacteriological index indicates the percentage of living bacilli c) Bacteriological index reflects the density of leprosy bacilli d) Morphological index is a valuable indicator of response to treatment e) Morphological index equals to total number of solid bacilli divided by total number of bacilli times 100. 13) Which of the following antibiotic gene resistance cannot be detected by PCR testing? a) Rifampicin b) Dapsone c) Clofazimine d) Ofloxacin 14) Which of the following statements regarding MDT for PB leprosy is false? a) Treatment duration is 6 months  b) Treatment consists of 2-drug combination c) Post treatment, it requires annual clinical surveillance for 5 years d) Treatment must be completed in 9 months. 15) Which of the following statements regarding MDT in special conditions is false? a) Dose adjustment is required in patients with liver impairment b) MDT is not contraindicated in pregnancy c) MDT is not contraindicated in people living with HIV d) Regime modification is required in patients with G6PD deficiency e) Regime modification is required in pregnancy 16) Which of the following statements regarding side effects of Dapsone is false? a) Haemolytic anaemia in G6PD deficiency b) Methemoglobinemia c) Nephrotoxicity d) Photodermatitis e) Peripheral neuropathy – distal motor axonopathy 17) Which of the following statements regarding side effects of clofazimine is false? a) Dryness and ichthyosis  b) Subacute intestinal obstruction c) Bull’s eye retinopathy d) Reddish-brown skin pigmentation e) Peripheral neuropathy 18) Which of the following statements regarding side effects of rifampicin is false? a) Hepatotoxicity b) Peripheral neuropathy c) Steven Johnson Syndrome d) Flu-like syndrome e) Leukopenia, eosinophilia, thrombocytopenia 19) Most common form of neurological involvement in Hansen’s disease is: a) polyneuropathy b) neuronopathy c) axonopathy d) mononeuritis multiplex 20) Which of the following statements regarding lepra reaction is false? a) It may occur before, during, or after the successful completion of multi-drug therapy (MDT). b) Borderline leprosy is one of the risk factors of developing it c) MDT needs to be stopped during the reaction. d) Management includes paracetamol, NSAIDS and corticosteroids e) It is not due adverse drug reactions of MDT. 21) Which of the following is not the signs/ indicators of treatment response in MB leprosy? a) improvement of skin swelling and redness  b) Regain of sensation c) BI is expected to reduced to zero after 12 months of treatment d) MI must be zero after 6 months of treatment e) Improvement in neuritis symptoms 22) For treatment of MB leprosy, choose the correct statement a) Rifampicin 600 mg monthly, Clofazimine 300 mg monthly and 50mg daily, Dapsone 100mg daily for 9 months  b) Rifampicin 600mg monthly, clofazimine 300mg daily, dapsone 100mg monthly dan 50 mg daily for 12 months c) Rifampicin 300mg daily and 600mg monthly, clofazimine 300mg daily, dapsone 100mg daily for 12 months d) Rifampicin 600 mg monthly, Clofazimine 300 mg monthly and 50mg daily, Dapsone 100mg daily within 12- 18 months 23)  Follow up of leprosy patient, choose the correct statement (can choose more than one option) a) For PB leprosy, clinical surveillance needs to be done annually for 5 years b) For PB leprosy, clinical surveillance and SSS need to be done annually for 3 years c) For MB leprosy, clinical surveillance and SSS need to be done annually for 15 years d) For MB leprosy, clinical SSS need to be done annually for 5 years followed by annual clinical surveillance for 10 years. 24) True statement regarding household contact. a) any person who has been in contact with an untreated index for at least 10 hours/week for at least 1 month during the past one year  b) family member living elsewhere c) domestic staff or aids or co-worker who do not share accommodation d) any person who has been in contact with an untreated index for at least 20 hours per week for at least three months during the past 1 year 25) False statement about neighbour contacts. (can choose more than 1 answer) a) person living in the neighbourhood of an index case within 100m. b) person living in the neighbourhood of an index case within 200m c) person living within 5 to 10 houses surrounding the house of the index case d) person who lives 5 to 20 houses surrounding the house of the index case  26) Regarding follow up for leprosy contact, which statement is correct. a) Contact of PB leprosy patient need to screened clinically, annually for 3 years b) Contact of PB leprosy patient no need to be screened c) Contact of MB leprosy patient need to follow up annually for 5 years by SSS and symptomatic screening. d) Contact of MB leprosy patient need life long follow up e) Contact of MB leprosy patient need to be screened clinically, annually for 5 years

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