She is Ann. This is her pen. This is her bag. This is her brother., She is Ann. This is ... pen. This is ... toy. This is ... brother., He is Tom. This is his mother. This is his teddy. This is his plane., He is Tom. This is ... mother. This is ... teddy. This is ... plane., I am Mark. This is my father. This is my bike.This is my ball., I am Mark. This is ... father. This is ... bike.This is ... ball., We are Mark and Pasha. This is our school. This is our house. This is our car., We are Mark and Pasha. This is ... school. This is ... house. This is ... car., They are Kate and Nastya. This is their cake. This is their book. This is their cheese., They are Kate and Nastya. This is ... cake. This is ... book. This is ... cheese., You are a pupil. This is your pencil. This is your phone. This is your rubber., You are a pupil. This is ... pencil. This is ... phone. This is ... rubber., It is a dog. This is its bone. This is its toy. This is its puppy., It is a dog. This is ... bone. This is ... toy. This is ... puppy..

Possessive pronouns (one by one)


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