1) The river Nile is a) the longest river in the world. b) the shortest river in the world. 2) The river Nile flows through a) the middle of Spain. b) the middle of Egypt. 3) Most of the land in Egypt was a) fertile and full of trees. b) full of rivers. c) dry desert and rocky hills. 4) Egyptians lived a) near the river Nile. b) far away from the river. 5) What could Ancient Egyptians find near the river? a) More desert. b) Trees, bushes, flowers and animals. c) Only animals 6) They used the river a) to travel up and down the country with all sorts of boats. b) to make cakes. c) to play games. 7) How was the weather in those days? a) Rain everyday. b) It didn't rain too much 8) Once a year, there was a heavy rain and.. a) that flooded the land. b) everybody got wet. c) the river got dry. 9) Floods were very important for them. a) True. b) False. 10) Farmers made .................. to get water for the crops. a) rivers b) paths c) canals 11) Rich farmers could have a large herd of cattle and poor farmers.. a) could have only a few goats, pigs, ducks or geese. b) could have only 2 ducks. c) could have more vegetables. 12) Ancient Egyptians had 3 seasons: a) One, Two and Three. b) Great, Fabulous and Super. c) Akhet, Peret, and Shemu 13) From 1 to 10. How important was the river Nile form Ancient Egyptians? a) 1 b) 3 c) 4 d) 6 e) 8 f) 10

Ancient Egyptians- river Nile


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