ARMY - all the soldiers that fight on land for the country, BATTLE - a fight between two armies in one place, CENTURY - a hundred years, CONQUER - to take another country's land in war. This is a conquest by the winning country. , DEFEAT - to win against the enemy in a fight, DEMONSTRATION - a meeting of a large group of people to show unhappiness about something, EMPIRE - a group of countries that is controlled by a government, an emperor (a man) or an empress (a woman), INDEPENDENCE - a state of being free from the laws of another goverment, INVADE - to go into another country with soldiers; this is an invasion by the foreign army, LORD - a man with a high position, usually because he comes from an important family, MONASTERY - a building where religious people live; they follow special rules there, POVERTY - the state of being very poor, POWER - control over other people, PRIEST - a man who works for the church, usually the Catholic Church, REVOLUTION - a change to a completely different kind of government or a complete change in the way that people do things, RULE - the government of a country, TAX - money that you have to pay to the government, TRADE - the activity of buying and selling. A trade union tries to make like better for workers who do the same kind of job, VIOLENCE - attacks on other people to hurt them,

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